Comment on the Great Dismantling

The Administration’s Executive Order to review regulations is being implemented within an extremely brief time frame. It is being done with inadequate outreach, inadequate notice, and inadequate opportunity for comment. The purposes of review are one-sided in overvaluing the reduction of costs on the regulated community, and undervaluing the intent of the protective statutes the …

Statement from 2017 Fair Housing and Civil Rights conference

At the 2017 Springfield Fair Housing and Civil Rights conference in Springfield, MA, participants in a conversation on lead developed the following statement to Secretary Ben Carson: Dear Dr. Carson, We are writing to you because during your nomination hearings you made statements concerning the problem of lead poisoning that showed an understanding of its …

Statements from Silver Valley

Inspired by our plan to send a statement to Ben Carson from the Springfield Fair Housing and Civil Rights conference (April 6), the Silver Valley Community Resource Center is sending the following letter to Scott Pruitt, administrator of EPA: Dear Mr. Scott Pruitt; The Silver Valley Community Resource Center is a 30 year old non-profit …