The Administration’s Executive Order to review regulations is being implemented within an extremely brief time frame. It is being done with inadequate outreach, inadequate notice, and inadequate opportunity for comment. The purposes of review are one-sided in overvaluing the reduction of costs on the regulated community, and undervaluing the intent of the protective statutes the executive branch is charged with implementing. That notices of requests for public comment have been made, however, is an opportunity right now for citizens to be heard. The deadline is May 15! Please share the information below:
The notice and comment period has started for the administration’s Great Dismantling and will close in two weeks. See, the request for public comment. People everywhere should be writing in. You don’t need to be an expert on the regulations, write if you don’t like wholesale review that favors “repeal, replace or modify”, rather than “improve, make more effective”, and that favors eliminating costs imposed on business over keeping the value gained for everyone by pursuing the intent of the laws. The public can say, we don’t want our regulatory protections to be dismantled. If we don’t say it now, they can point to the comment period and say, we asked and people don’t care. The national discussion is being opened up briefly, and then will be slammed shut. Share this! There’s a big Comment Now! button, it is easy to submit from that site!