
items on desk

A Convening in Silver Valley of the Public, on Lead

Barbara Miller, who has worked to draw attention to the need for a more concerted effort to help families with high lead exposures in Idaho (EPA has estimated that more than 100 millions tons of contaminated materials were distributed over thousands of acres –...

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Remember Silver Valley

Barbara Miller of the Silver Valley Community Resource Center, advocate for the clean up of serious lead threats to children, has faced many difficulties standing up for kids. See the Sierra Club blog (Doris Cellarius), 12/21/17 at...

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Statement of Lead Professionals to Federal Task Force

Joint Statement of Lead Professionals, Attendees of a workshop at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the Lead and Environmental Hazards Association (LEHA) on Lead and Healthy Housing, Philadelphia, PA, November 8, 2017. To the President’s Task Force on...

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The Duty to Update Lead Standards

INSIDE EPA reported that in A Community Voice, et al. v. EPA, two of three appellate court judges in the 9th Circuit at June 12 oral argument “doubted EPA’s claim that it has no statutory duty to revise its lead dust standards”. The case involves a...

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Please Comment by June 14th on HUD DeReg!

If you go to this site, where comments can so easily be submitted, you will see today that only 36 comments have been received! Yet HUD is in the process of establishing a task force to find regulations that can be...

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Comment on the Great Dismantling

The Administration’s Executive Order to review regulations is being implemented within an extremely brief time frame. It is being done with inadequate outreach, inadequate notice, and inadequate opportunity for comment. The purposes of review are one-sided in...

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Statement from 2017 Fair Housing and Civil Rights conference

At the 2017 Springfield Fair Housing and Civil Rights conference in Springfield, MA, participants in a conversation on lead developed the following statement to Secretary Ben Carson: Dear Dr. Carson, We are writing to you because during your nomination hearings you...

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Statements from Silver Valley

Inspired by our plan to send a statement to Ben Carson from the Springfield Fair Housing and Civil Rights conference (April 6), the Silver Valley Community Resource Center is sending the following letter to Scott Pruitt, administrator of EPA: Dear Mr. Scott Pruitt;...

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First live public conversation on lead

On April 6 the Coalition for a Public Conversation on Lead will hold its first face-to-face event at the Springfield Fair Housing and Civil Rights conference –  We will present Things to Do and a sample statement, and ask attendees...

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